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  • International Conference: GLUING metals and plastics

International Conference: GLUING metals and plastics

  • 01.03.2010

SLOVAK Welding Society, SLOVAK SOCIETY MAINTENANCE members of the Association of Slovak Scientific and Technological Societies and INCHEBA, you are invited to attend the international conference: GLUING metal and plastic. Exhibitors 4th year's International Exhibition INDUSTRY EXPO BRATISLAVA 2010.

Podujatie sa koná pri príležitosti 20. výročia vzniku ZSVTS. Dátum konania: 4. marca 2010 , vo štvrtok od 13.30 h. Miesto konania: Výstavné a kongresové centrum  INCHEBA EXPO 
Programové centrum 1, Hala D, Bratislava, Viedenská cesta  7. 
  • autor:
  • SZS

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