Industrial sensors - Business Directory

Find your supplier or partner in the largest Business Directory (600+ companies) for plastics and rubber in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Companies listed in category Industrial sensors.

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  • Caspro s.r.o.

    Caspro s.r.o.

    Peripherals for the plastics industry, extruders, screws and rollers, gravimetric and volumetric dispensers and mixers, dryers, overhauls of...

    Top company
  • Vibrofeed - MTR s. r. o.

    Vibrofeed - MTR s. r. o.

    Design and manufacture of high quality vibratory feeding and sorting systems used for process automation in various industries.

    Top company
  • Azurr - Technology, s.r.o.

    Azurr - Technology, s.r.o.

    Measurement and control technology, laboratory instruments, temperature control devices, temperature controllers, industrial filtration, filter,...

  • Carl Zeiss Slovakia, s.r.o.

    Carl Zeiss Slovakia, s.r.o.

    Industrial measuring technology, laboratory instruments, 3D measurement, 3D scanning and inspection, 3D digitization, X-ray technology, computed...

  • CHEMAT spol. s r.o

    CHEMAT spol. s r.o

    Dopravníky, výroba a prodej výrobních linek pro zpracování plastů, průmyslová automatizace, periferní zařízení, periferie, doprava granulátů,

  • PEKAT s.r.o.

    PEKAT s.r.o.

    Software for automated visual inspection in production, improvement of production processes, smart camera, industrial components.

  • S.D.A. s.r.o.

    S.D.A. s.r.o.

    S.D.A. s.r.o. supplies components of automation technology sensors, drives, robots, safety components, organizes training and inspections of machines...

  • SIMAP GROUP, a.s.

    SIMAP GROUP, a.s.

    Mitsubishi Electric for robotic systems, Collaborative robots, laser marking, industrial marking, machine automation, SCADA, PLC.

  • TECHNOSE s.r.o.

    TECHNOSE s.r.o.

    Pneumatic components, drive systems, industrial automation components, electrical components for machinery, switchgear and safety, industrial and...



    Production of small plastic parts for the automotive industry, interior plastic components, piezoceramic discs for car parking sensors, assembly of...

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