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HASCO family celebrates its 100th company anniversary

HASCO family celebrates its 100th company anniversary

On 22 June, a celebration full of joy and memories took place at the headquarters in Lüdenscheid, the place where components are routinely developed, designed, manufactured and packaged. For Christoph Ehrlich, it was crucial to celebrate this centenary with employees and former employees, so that everyone could share in the joy and celebrate this important milestone.


A time tunnel took the visitors into an eventful past. Large-format screens showed milestones from ten decades of HASCO history. For some of the guests, the tour of the plant with a visit to the administration area and the production facilities was a highlight because, up until then, they had been familiar with the name HASCO and the company’s standard mould units only from their family members, but were now given an insight into the heart of the company. They also visited the unique sheet production area and the warehouse/logistics section with its innovative Autostore system. The guests were given an impression of how, on a day-to-day basis, the HASCO formula is brought to life through availability, speed and quality. 

Stars of the evening: employees of HASCO

Christoph Ehrlich, in the presence of the Hasenclever founder family and the management of Berndorf AG, welcomed the guests in the afternoon with the emotional words: "What would HASCO be without you? – You are the stars of the evening." He emphasised that many members of staff had been true to the company for decades, had encouraged young upcoming staff and had passed on their knowledge to them. Standards were set for an entire industry and continuously further developed: "This has made HASCO the pioneer of mouldmaking for 100 years."

Everything was set for an unforgettable employee celebration. Culinary delights with regional specialities and music from one of the best German live bands provided for an exuberant atmosphere. There was also plenty to do for the younger generation, who had a lot of fun on the bouncy castle and climbing wall or could try out their artistic talents with face-painting. 

Many stories were exchanged on this day, dealing with technical achievements, pioneering inventions and anecdotes, which were told not least by the many former HASCO members. The riddle of the roly-poly doll was also solved during the evening – the object with which everything started at HASCO and which featured as the main silent actor in the anniversary film.

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    Normals, standard parts, hot runners, hot runner systems, plastic and rubber mold accessories, tempering and cooling, K-normals, P-normals, Z-normals.

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