Services - Current News Articles - page 22

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strana 22 z 22
  • PE materials testing laboratory in Nitra

    PE materials testing laboratory in Nitra

    Member SLOVAK Plastic clusters by Campra, spol. s ro built in the investment project in early 2009 in the manufacturing field in Lužianky "PE Materials Testing Laboratory (SL - PE). All equipment used in this laboratory are calibrated and verified. Test methods are designed for testing of...

  • Final Report and Photo of DANUBIUS GASTRO fairs, and EXPOSHOP GASTROPACK 2010

    Final Report and Photo of DANUBIUS GASTRO fairs, and EXPOSHOP GASTROPACK 2010

    On 24 January 2010 closed its doors on the side of the Danube Petržalka INCHEBA EXPO Bratislava, which hosted the four days of exhibitors and exhibition visitors to block major events - 17th International Fair of Gastronomy Danubius Gastro, 10 annual exhibition of machinery and technology for...

  • EMBAX 2010 to upgrade the packaging, construction design and branding

    EMBAX 2010 to upgrade the packaging, construction design and branding

    With the average consumer to decide, according to statistics for Purchased goods to 75 percent below vlivem a complaint in the sale. Packaging design plays a role bezprostředního communicator, each package is just a few of seconds for it to comment and výrobek prod. Contemporary economic crisis...

  • Automotive Cluster - West Slovakia - Courses for business for free!

    Automotive Cluster - West Slovakia - Courses for business for free!

    Automotive Cluster - West Slovakia, town of Trnava and Automotive Cluster Vienna Region in the framework of cross-AT-SR, AC Centrope investigators of the project, within which the honor to invite you to: Courses for entrepreneurs in the automotive industry, financed the project, which aimed at...

  • A new professional publication - welding gas and water pipes of Plastic

    A new professional publication - welding gas and water pipes of Plastic

    Publication Welding gas and water pipes of plastics "is a comprehensive work in which the presentation of results through practical experience of multi-author explained the basic knowledge of the material, the plastic pipe welding technology, testing and processing of welded joints, respectively....

  • New industrial and technological parks in Trnava.

    New industrial and technological parks in Trnava.

    The foundation stone of the Town of industrial and technology park in Trnava poklopkal Economy Minister Lubomir Jahnatek, on 11/30/2009, together with the Director-General SARIO, Mr George Kieselom, Mayor of Trnava and President Stefan Bosnak VUC City, Tibor...

  • New publication from publishing Albra - Workshop table

    New publication from publishing Albra - Workshop table

    Summary of important knowledge and data from selected fields of engineering and related disciplines to set up...

  • 20th FAKUMA Drives the Plastics Technology Economy

    20th FAKUMA Drives the Plastics Technology Economy

    FAKUMA’s anniversary exceeds all expectations, exhibitors close business transactions with customers from 90 countries, more than 37,000 expert visitors and a total of 500,000 visitors throughout FAKUMA’s history to...

  • Educational program for plastárov "EDMOULD"

    Educational program for plastárov "EDMOULD"

    After two years of preparation, 1/10/2009 launched an educational project of the plastic industry known as Improvement of Vocational Education in field of Injection Moulding (Improving training in injection molding) -...

  • Workshop tool making and production companies

    Workshop tool making and production companies

    On 23.09.2009 took place a workshop tool-manufacturing companies in the plastics...

  • Preliminary Final Report – MSV, Transport a Logistika

    Preliminary Final Report – MSV, Transport a Logistika

    The International Engineering Fair confirmed its quality and a leading position among industrial fairs of Central Europe also in the present difficult economic situation. Among the exhibitors not even leaders of presented branches were missing, the proportion of foreign firms amounted to 37...

  • The Department go down with the tip of industrial

    The Department go down with the tip of industrial

    Deadline 14th to 18 Sep 2009 is Brnenský Technology Exhibition reserved for industry, transport and logistics. Last Weeks before the start of both fairs probíhají large sign intenzivních preparations: Exhibitors pilují details svých exposure and chystají Information materials for news, organizers...

  • Invitation to seminar

    Invitation to seminar

    Topic: Identity and idetifikácia product in the production process with links to the information system. The seminar is intended primarily for managers of production and logistics staff, the aim is to give participants knowledge of solutions cover the production and logistics processes with the...

  • S support with training a new generation in the manufacture of plastic!

    S support with training a new generation in the manufacture of plastic!

    One important factor is the competitive plastics industry, skilled workforce. Since 2003, the record industry, rubber and plastics over the dynamics of industrial production from the SR in the creation of added value. Productivity in this industry in 2013 achieved the best position to surpass the...

  • The first General Assembly Plastic SLOVAK Clusters

    The first General Assembly Plastic SLOVAK Clusters

    Members SLOVAK Plastic cluster in Wednesday, 15/07/2009 first met at a general meeting of the CSS in the building Agroinštitútu in Dublin. The scope of the cluster in the plastics industry throughout the Slovak Republic. The first General Assembly was held in Nitra, which is considered the...

  • FAKUMA – the World’s Number One Event for “Injection Moulding”

    FAKUMA – the World’s Number One Event for “Injection Moulding”

    Where “injection moulding” is concerned, the FAKUMA international trade fair for plastics processing enjoys a reputation as a top event. For years now, it’s been ranked as one of the leading forums anywhere in the world amongst the plastics trade fairs. After significant growth once again in 2008,...

  • Excursion at the training center for the preparation of adjustment and injection molding operator

    Excursion at the training center for the preparation of adjustment and injection molding operator

    SPK, in their activities in cooperation with MAPRO SLOVAKIA, spol. s ro and A-by OMEGA, Ltd. organized an excursion to 06.11.2009 training center for training of operators adjustment and injection molding. She was directed to obtain information about general and specific training in the field of...

  • Invitation to the professional tour

    Invitation to the professional tour

    SLOVAK Plastic Cluster invites you to attend the field trip to the topic of accredited training for operators adjustment and injection...

  • International Engineering Fair 2009 in Nitra - Photo and resume

    International Engineering Fair 2009 in Nitra - Photo and resume

    Dňa 19. mája 2009 o 10.00 hod. bol slávnostne otvorený v pavilóne K2 16. ročník Medzinárodného strojárskeho veľtrhu v Nitre, ktorého súčasťou boli subvýstavy : 15 ročník výstavy EUROWELDING, 15. ročník CAST-EX, 13. ročník CHEMPLAST, 9. ročník EMA a 8. ročník STAVMECH. Slávnostného otvorenia...

  • SLOVAK Plastic Cluster - new hope for the future

    SLOVAK Plastic Cluster - new hope for the future

    SLOVAK Plastic Cluster (SPK) was established on 13.03.2009 as an association of legal persons. SPK generally can be defined as an interest group of independent entities and affiliated institutions, which are regional and subregional linked with the potential to increase their...

  • We visited the International Fair of CSIL / CARPLAST 2009

    We visited the International Fair of CSIL / CARPLAST 2009

    The automotive industry is among the fastest growing sector both in Europe and the world, but also in Slovakia. Automotive industry producers do not only finished but also subcontractors. The network of subcontractors to Slovakia from the year to more dynamic growth as well as the final production...

strana 22 z 22

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