Plastics Moulds - Current News Articles - page 5
Articles on Plastics Moulds. Daily updated information and news from the plastics industry.
Seminar gating systems of injection molds
- 30.05.2013
- Plastics Moulds
On 15 May 2013 was held in the training center MCAE Systems Seminar dealing with gating system of injection molds. The chosen theme had great interest, because shortly after the announcement that the workshop will be organized, the capacity of the training room (about 60 seats) was fully...
Curing molds under scrutiny Plzen´s seminars
- 06.05.2013
- Plastics Moulds
Companies Plastics and Gabriel Innomia held in mid-April in Plzen Hotel Primavera-day seminar on tempering them Injection molds and plastic parts defects. Interesting seminar program caused that conference hall of the hotel was completely...
KOH-I-NOOR PONAS opens in Polička injection molding plant for 100 mil. CZK
- 25.02.2013
- Plastics Moulds
The new plant will be equipped with the latest technology for injection molding and assembly of complex technical systems for the automotive...
Tablet is just a toy? A new generation of support mills and tools... Part 2
- 08.02.2013
- Plastics Moulds
Continued article dated 14/12/2012. The fundamental issue tracking tools can simplify the struggle between project managers and the executives. While managers would like as much information as close to real-time executives are time busy actual production or overwriting of information in the system...
New software update for the analysis of injection molding Cadmould ® 3D-F: even faster, even easier to work with design
- 06.02.2013
- Plastics Moulds
Cadmould ® 3D-F is a simulation software for analysis of plastic injection molding, whose calculations are based on special, to describe the behavior of macromolecular substances developed and subsequently patented 3D...
Sub-sequences: SELOGICA function simplifies mould handling
- 30.01.2013
- Plastics Moulds
- Automation
- Design of molds
Anyone who uses complex and often expensive moulds wants to be able to handle these in the simplest an safest way possible. For this purpose, the "Subsequences" function of the SELOGICA control system offers a practical solution which gives machine operators the certainty of doing nothing wrong....
Addition to the Techni Shot nozzle range
- 02.01.2013
- Plastics Moulds
- Design of molds
The range of Techni Shot hot-runner nozzles has been extended with open torpedo tips also for needle valve...
Smart Hot Runner Solutions to Suit Each Application
- 19.12.2012
- Plastics Moulds
Mastip supplies solutions; this means each of our systems is custom made to meet your exact requirements. Our engineers will work with you to assess the need of your project ensuring the right solution is achieved for your...
Tablet is just a toy? A new generation of mills and support nářaďoven ... Part 1.
- 14.12.2012
- Plastics Moulds
How to specify a demand for hot runner? How to avoid problems when injecting? This at first glance trivial questions can sometimes lead to very fierce discussions on the topic of "why form is more expensive than the offered price," "why form behaves incorrectly" etc. Other topics you will all of...
Electronic cycle counter CVE monitor - more than just a calculator
- 07.12.2012
- Plastics Moulds
New generation electronic counter CVE molds for plastics and light metals allows to monitor not only the total number of cycles of the instrument but also the total average cycle time, average time last cycle, the percentage activity and percentage of recent activity. OnDemand Software is an...
KASKO Ltd. is celebrating its 20th anniversary of its foundation
- 28.11.2012
- Plastics Moulds
Kasko Ltd. was founded in 1992. Since its inception we have a Czech company. Find us on Moravia close to the border with Slovakia in the village of Austerlitz, which is located near Uherského...
New electric screw drive dial STRACK Z 5411 and Z 5421
- 26.09.2012
- Plastics Moulds
Electric dial thread unit is built solution injection tools in order to odformovat one or more threads with an electric control motor. It complements the existing range of the Dial STRACK units with hydraulic...
Future simulations in injection plastic parts - Moldex3D from SimulPlast Ltd.
- 10.09.2012
- Plastics Moulds
The accuracy of prediction of future quality plastic parts and molds using simulation software for injection is increasing. This is mainly due to the use of increasingly sophisticated computational techniques and models. It also grows width offered modules for various injection technologies. Each...
New HASCO cylinder for optimal control for ejector plates Z2371 / ... Z2380 / ...
- 20.07.2012
- Plastics Moulds
- Design of molds
- Standardized parts
Multiple systems require hot cavities and small distances to the nozzle needle concluded. In these cases there is sufficient surface area...
CRC ROBERT - professional equipment for the plastics and rubber industries from SELEX Ltd.
- 19.06.2012
- Plastics Moulds
SELEX Company Ltd. is a cleaning and polishing equipment and equipment for corrosion protection of molds made by CRC Industries of Europe, which manufactures and supplies a wide range of...
Introduction Listemann AG, a leading European provider of solutions for manufacturers forms
- 07.06.2012
- Plastics Moulds
Listemann AG is one of the leading suppliers in Europe on bonding technologies, especially vacuum spájkovanie.Dlhodobo provides services to manufacturers forms to improve the cooling channel system in a simple way of working...
Optimal deployment of transient cooling pads cooling Z9645 / ...
- 04.06.2012
- Plastics Moulds
- Design of molds
New HASCO Z9645 transient cooling insert is a further development of the same element Z9641 / ... Due to its ergonomics is not only versatile, but also r nrýchlu and easy installation with minimal...
Vstřikovací formy z Číny - přednáška Ing. Lubomíra Zemana z Plast Form Service I.M. spol. s r.o. - část 2.
- 09.05.2012
- Plastics Moulds
Uplynulý týden jsem v první časti popsal některé skutečnosti a problémy, které se mohou vyskytnout při zajišťování výroby vstřikovacích forem pro zpracování termoplastů v Číně. Teď se pokusím k danému tématu - Vstřikovací formy z Číny - přidat několik dalších...
Vstřikovací formy z Číny - přednáška Ing. Lubomíra Zemana z Plast Form Service I.M. spol. s r.o. - část 1.
- 02.05.2012
- Plastics Moulds
V současné době se, nejen v oblasti zpracování plastů, setkáváme jako spotřebitelé i jako výrobci s požadavkem na co nejnižší cenu. Tuto tendenci lze nazvat „bojem o nejnižší cenu za každou cenu“ a to nejen při soukromých, ale i firemních...
Šetřit je hezké, ale vydělávat je hezčí - konference SVOBODA 2012
- 30.04.2012
- Plastics Moulds
15. března 2012 proběhnul třetí ročník odborné konference SVOBODA 2012. Tento ročník byl obsazenější než předchozí a nahlásily se přednášející z různých oblastí výroby forem. Nosné téma konference byly reálné a fiktivní úspory, jejich identifikace a vyvrácení různých tradovaných mýtů o místech, kde...
Představení společnosti RONAS - precizní nástrojárny a lisovny plastů
RONAS (Ro-žnovská nás-trojárna) vznikl v roce 1992 odloučením z koncernu Tesla. Dynamický rozvoj, který následoval, se stal trvalým rysem této firmy. Změny trhu vedly ke změnám zaměření podniku, který v dnešní době vyrábí především formy na zpracování...
Flawless injection with higher efficiency, shorter cycles – the new cutting edge technologie from company Mold-Masters
- 18.04.2012
- Plastics Moulds
A leading global hot runner manufacturer, company Mold-Masters, owning more than half of the patents filed in the field of hot runner systems, developed for the needs of companies producing closures that require greater competitive advantage and efficient production of special technology runners,...
Short news report of 3 year professional Conference 2012 SVOBODA
- 21.03.2012
- Plastics Moulds
Uplynulý týždeň spoločnosť Jan Svoboda s.r.o. uskutočnila už 3. ročník odbornej konferencie SVOBODA 2012 pre plastikársky priemysel, venovanej tématike úspor pri vstrekovaní...
The company EICHLER COMPANY Ltd. brings innovation: How to trapped air in the mold cavity?
- 07.03.2012
- Plastics Moulds
Do you suffer from trapped air in the mold cavity? To improve the quality of your plastic parts? To optimize the injection process? To save energy and improve...
ASACLEAN® - cleansing granules for injection molding machines and extruders from VELOX CMS
- 06.02.2012
- Plastics Moulds
Asahi Kasei announced in 2009 two types of cleaning granulates ASACLEAN® as a solution to the problematic transition from opaque to transparent plastics, namely polycarbonate and polymethyl methacrylate, their mutual transitions and color changes. Years of experience proved their successful use for...
HASCO launches the market's smallest mechanical inclined sliding carriage Z18110
- 13.01.2012
- Plastics Moulds
- Design of molds
- Standardized parts
With its inclined sliding carriage Z18110/…, HASCO has recently launched the smallest mechanical, positively controlled inclined sliding carriage onto the market. Because of its small size, the Z18110/… opens up new possibilities in mould design. Access to awkward undercuts in the article is made...
EWIKON - introduced MH HPS III jets with direct lateral injection
- 16.12.2011
- Plastics Moulds
Due to continuous development and improvement of technologies in areas such as multiple jets and wide exposure of specialists in the field of plastic injection molding, it is possible to inject the most complex applications with elegant and reliable...
GLASTHERM - thermal insulation for the purpose of insulation forms
- 21.11.2011
- Plastics Moulds
Use insulation boards is one of the basic requirements of sound and efficient functioning of the forms. Contribute significantly to reducing energy losses. Properly insulated forms conserve energy and also leads to better regulate the temperature inside the...
Cylinders for dialing forms with integrated gear
- 07.11.2011
- Plastics Moulds
To reduce molds size, acceleration of production and simplify the handling company VEGA in collaboration with Jan Svoboda Ltd. has developed cylinder with integral gear for insertion into the...
Software for the analysis of injection molding
- 26.10.2011
- Plastics Moulds
Cadmould ® 3D-F is a simulation software to analyze injection molding, whose calculations are based on a proprietary 3D model that was developed by German company Simcon GmbH. The genesis of the software involved (and to continue to cooperate in its development), Technical University of Aachen...
Latest Classifieds
For Sale: Knife mill MN300/400
20.01.2025 | ID: 202520332
Top Advert-
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520340
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520339
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520338
To purchase: ABS regrind white injection
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520336
For Sale: PA 66 unfilled regrind
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520335
For Sale: ABS injection regrind
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520334
To purchase: ABS regrind white injection
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520336
20.01.2025 | ID: 202520329
To purchase: Plastic scrap from production
20.01.2025 | ID: 202520328
To purchase: PA 6/66 GF 30 regrind
20.01.2025 | ID: 202520321
To purchase: GPPS granules preferably with an MFI of 10
14.01.2025 | ID: 202520302
To purchase: PE-PP dirty granulates from ground
14.01.2025 | ID: 202520301
To purchase: LDPE film in bales
14.01.2025 | ID: 202520297
For Sale: Knife mill MN300/400
20.01.2025 | ID: 202520332
Top Advert-
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520340
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520339
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520338
For Sale: PA 66 unfilled regrind
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520335
For Sale: ABS injection regrind
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520334
For Sale: PA 66 white unfilled regrind
20.01.2025 | ID: 202520331
Upcoming Events
04.02.2025 - 06.02.2025 | Anaheim
04.02.2025 - 06.02.2025 | Varšava
11.02.2025 - 13.02.2025 | Monterrey
International Plastic Industry IPF 2025
12.02.2025 - 15.05.2025 | Dhaka
12.02.2025 - 13.02.2025 | Birmingham
18.02.2025 - 19.02.2025 | Nuremberg
19.02.2025 - 20.02.2025 | Amsterdam
23.02.2025 - 25.02.2025 | Shanghai
24.02.2025 - 26.02.2025 | Alžír
SOPK invites you to the Seminar Annual Settlement for 2024 + Legislative changes for 2025
SOPK invites you to the Conference Expected development of the Slovak economy in 2025
Say Goodbye to Stress Mark with advanced cooling
ING 4.0 training programme for digital skills development: Logistics systems and automated logistics
Job offers
Production operator - DALGA GROUP s.r.o.
Operations Manager - DALGA GROUP s.r.o.
Sales representative for granulates - ALBIS PLASTIC CR s.r.o.
Sales representative for recycling - SILON CZ Recycling s.r.o.
Obchodný manažér - FORM s.r.o.
Sales representative for granulates, for ALBIS PLASTIC CR s.r.o.
Assistant - DALGA GROUP s.r.o.
Warehouse worker - forklift experience required. ENVI-RECYCLING PLAST, s. r. o.
Business - technical representative of professional tools - the whole SR - ant s.r.o.