Plastics recycling - Current News Articles - page 4
Articles on Plastics recycling. Daily updated information and news from the plastics industry.
Choose the optimal option for the fulfilment of the objectives of the directive on waste recycling?
- 06.04.2012
- Plastics recycling
In the area of waste management, the big challenges await us next hop. Among the key tasks include the implementation of Directive 2008/98/EC on waste EPaR into the new law on waste and waste management Programme in the Slovak...
Life Cycle Assessment - LCA
- 19.03.2012
- Plastics recycling
Currently the focus is on the development of technologies that are environmentally friendly. It's not just about energy-efficient technologies, but the overall approach, which aims to minimize any adverse environmental impacts of the operation, or actual production and use of...
How to recycle polystyrene effectively
- 09.03.2012
- Plastics recycling
Danish RUNI SK120 press is able to effectively compact the volume of waste polystyrene up to 50-fold compared to the original volume. These compactors are even easy to space - no need to bulk bins or containers. Most importantly, the following compacted polystyrene obtained by the density to 300...
PRO EKO, 8. výstava recyklácie a zhodnocovania odpadov
- 24.02.2012
- Plastics recycling
Spoločnosť BB Expo, spol. s r.o. Vás pozýva na najväčšiu ekologickú výstavu na Slovensku PRO EKO – výstavu zhodnocovania a recyklácie odpadov, ktorej ôsmy ročník sa bude konať v dňoch 24.-27. apríla 2012 vo výstavnej hale v Banskej...
If there was a radical change, Slovakia fails to meet the objectives set out in the Waste Framework Directive
- 23.01.2012
- Plastics recycling
One of the most important objectives posed implementation of the European Parliament and of the Council 2008/98/EC on waste (Waste Framework Directive) into the legal order of the Slovak Republic, is to increase the amount of municipal waste that will be ready for use again. This objective should...
Record the number of sorted plastic overcome!
- 16.11.2011
- Plastics recycling
Visitors summer festival Bažant Pohoda overcome last year's record number of sorted plastic in an event. Now in its sixth year, the festival can be sorted...
Pilot project with compostable bags for biodegradable waste has been successful
- 21.10.2011
- Plastics recycling
It seems that civilization flooded hundreds of years of plastic bags on the wane. Pilot project with biodegradable bags based on the substance Ecovio developed by the chemical company BASF, was in Germany Bad Dürkheimu...
"To wander wastes NATUR-PACK-om?"
- 12.10.2011
- Plastics recycling
Issuing organization NATUR-PACK, as a DAPHNE Institute of Applied Ecology joined forces for primary school pupils prepare for school year 2011/12 a new program called "Where our travels wastes...
Attractive opportunities for black gold in Central and Southeastern Europe
- 31.08.2011
- Plastics recycling
Every year drivers in Central Europe "destroyed" over a quarter million tons of tires. Approximately 10% of this amount ends in landfills, about 5% of the retreating back into circulation, but the majority (approximately 85%) is intended to assess. Despite (or perhaps precisely because) the...
Material from recycled tires as a road surface - from Zlin silničáři preparing testing of selected sections
- 05.08.2011
- Plastics recycling
Used tires crushing occurs rubber granules. RPG Recycling Ltd., located in Uherský Brod, which deals with recycling of old tires began to granulate used to produce the channel covers and...
EUROPEN - the amount of packaging waste decreases
- 20.07.2011
- Plastics recycling
A new report by the Organisation Europen (The European Organisation for Packaging and the Environment), based on official data published by the European Union, informs about the success of the recovery and recycling of packaging waste and reducing the amount of packaging sent to...
ENVI-PAK, together with the visitors of the festival Pohoda created a huge eco-footprint
- 13.07.2011
- Plastics recycling
Everyone's behavior leaves an indelible on earth ecological footprint. ENVI-PAK, together with State Secretary of Ministry of Environment Branislav Cimerman invited visitors to the festival, so instead of leaving footprint on nature to create a symbolic Pohoda eco-footprint by using their hands or...
General Plastic Ltd. Kolárovo evaluate annually 12 000 t of PET bottles
- 11.07.2011
- Plastics recycling
In Slovakia, the annual production of approximately 40,000 tons of PET waste, especially PET bottles, of which about 40% are collected. Most of the collected PET bottles - about 12 000 tonnes annually, evaluate the largest domestic processor General Plastic Ltd. Kolárovo. The company now belongs to...
Level sorting of waste in cities and towns in Slovakia
- 27.05.2011
- Plastics recycling
How is separated in cities and towns in Slovakia? Koľko waste is actually in the towns and villages through the selective collection...
Regulation to the Act on packaging - changes and news
- 25.04.2011
- Plastics recycling
On 1 May 2010 entered into force Law no. 119/2010 Z. z. the Ordinance and the Act No. 223/2001 Z. z. on waste and amending certain laws, as amended (the "Act on Packaging"). This moment occurred in packaging legislation to substantially non-standard conditions, which were abolished by law on all...
Fashion show of dresses created from waste ENVI-PAK incentives for sorting waste unconventional way
- 15.04.2011
- Plastics recycling
The International Festival of Mountain Films and adventure Mountains and the city took place on Sunday 10th April 2011 an unconventional fashion show of dresses, which were generated from waste. Twenty non-traditional models of organization entitled ENVI-PAK notify visitors of the festival and...
KOS and ECORASTER - Grass plastic system is made up of TRAPLAST
- 30.03.2011
- Plastics recycling
Traplast is a modern material, which is obtained by careful recycling of plastic waste and has many outstanding...
NATUR-PACK among sportswomen
- 17.11.2010
- Plastics recycling
6. 11. 2010, in SH YOUNG held in Bratislava International Congress of aerobics "RAJEC IN MOTION 2010", interesting way to promote the authorized organization NATUR-PACK,...
Castor & Pollux, and introducing environmentally sensitive treatment of mixed waste plastics
- 15.11.2010
- Plastics recycling
Company Castor & Pollux, and launched the construction operation of recycling technologies for plastic waste recovery process technology and industrial equipment for recycling plastic...
NATUR-PACK, education, and responsible persons under the packaging law
- 26.09.2010
- Plastics recycling
Issuing organization NATUR-PACK, and offers its clients free environmental advice to the extent of the packaging. In daily communication with clients responding personnel authorized organization NATUR-PACK, as on many issues related to waste, payments to the Recycling Fund, the obligations of the...
ENVI-PAK encourage separate collection systems in towns and villages close to EUR 8 million
- 09.09.2010
- Plastics recycling
Municipalities, which receive the authorized funds directly to organizations, is already more than...
The Government adopted an amendment to the Law on waste, PET bottles will not be returned
- 17.12.2009
- Plastics recycling
The Government gave the green light to the amendment of the waste from the workshop of the Ministry of Environment. The proposal defines the term more packaging, governs the rights and responsibilities in the management of packaging collection and recycling and eliminates inconsistencies in...
Latest Classifieds
For Sale: Mixed PO regranulate - 400 EUR/t
12.01.2025 | ID: 202520281
Top AdvertFor Sale: PET - rozdělené barvy - mytá
17.01.2025 | ID: 202520318
For Sale: PA66 s CF20 alebo GF20
17.01.2025 | ID: 202520317
For Sale: PET GF30 IMPET IM 2700 GV1 black regrind
16.01.2025 | ID: 202520314
For Sale: PP GF10 TV20 regrinds
16.01.2025 | ID: 202520313
15.01.2025 | ID: 202520312
15.01.2025 | ID: 202520311
To purchase: GPPS granules preferably with an MFI of 10
14.01.2025 | ID: 202520302
To purchase: PE-PP dirty granulates from ground
14.01.2025 | ID: 202520301
To purchase: LDPE film in bales
14.01.2025 | ID: 202520297
To purchase: PA 6/66 GF 30 regrind
13.01.2025 | ID: 202520291
To purchase: Plastic scrap from production
13.01.2025 | ID: 202520284
09.01.2025 | ID: 202520262
To purchase: Plastic scrap from production
07.01.2025 | ID: 202520253
For Sale: Mixed PO regranulate - 400 EUR/t
12.01.2025 | ID: 202520281
Top AdvertFor Sale: PET - rozdělené barvy - mytá
17.01.2025 | ID: 202520318
For Sale: PA66 s CF20 alebo GF20
17.01.2025 | ID: 202520317
For Sale: PET GF30 IMPET IM 2700 GV1 black regrind
16.01.2025 | ID: 202520314
For Sale: PP GF10 TV20 regrinds
16.01.2025 | ID: 202520313
15.01.2025 | ID: 202520312
15.01.2025 | ID: 202520311
Upcoming Events
22.01.2025 - 23.01.2025 | Paríž
22.01.2025 - 24.01.2025 | Tokyo
04.02.2025 - 06.02.2025 | Anaheim
04.02.2025 - 06.02.2025 | Varšava
11.02.2025 - 13.02.2025 | Monterrey
International Plastic Industry IPF 2025
12.02.2025 - 15.05.2025 | Dhaka
12.02.2025 - 13.02.2025 | Birmingham
18.02.2025 - 19.02.2025 | Nuremberg
19.02.2025 - 20.02.2025 | Amsterdam
World Future Energy Summit 2025
Polykemi invites you to Materialsmart webinar for Czech Republic and Slovakia
ING 4.0 training programme for digital skills development: Robotics and Advanced Robotics
SOPK invites you to a seminar on ESG reporting for small and medium-sized enterprises
SOPK invites you to the Seminar Annual Settlement for 2024 + Legislative changes for 2025
Job offers
Specialist of IMS - SILON CZ Recycling s.r.o.
Sales representative for granulates - ALBIS PLASTIC CR s.r.o.
Sales representative for recycling - SILON CZ Recycling s.r.o.
Obchodný manažér - FORM s.r.o.
Sales representative for granulates, for ALBIS PLASTIC CR s.r.o.
Assistant - DALGA GROUP s.r.o.
Warehouse worker - forklift experience required. ENVI-RECYCLING PLAST, s. r. o.