Current News Articles - page 75
Daily updated information and news from the plastics industry.
LUMICENE ® - a unique polypropylene with high transparency and gloss - the portfolio company RESINEX
- 27.06.2012
- Suppliers of raw materials
- PA Polyamide
Total Petrochemicals Company is one of the world's leading manufacturers of polypropylene and focuses on developing new types, which provides customers significant...
Hotseat Slovakia sro is a non-contact temperature meter mark optris
- 21.06.2012
- Machinery & Equipment
Hotseat Slovakia sro, exclusive Embassy in contactless temperature meters mark Optra, presents its...
Trends in the plastics industry - the first seminar organized by Slovak plastics cluster in 2012
- 20.06.2012
- Services
13.06.2012 organized by Slovak plastics cluster (SPK) in a hotel Brezina in beautiful surroundings Brezina woods in Trencin first seminar of the series of seminars "Trends in the plastics...
CRC ROBERT - professional equipment for the plastics and rubber industries from SELEX Ltd.
- 19.06.2012
- Plastics Moulds
SELEX Company Ltd. is a cleaning and polishing equipment and equipment for corrosion protection of molds made by CRC Industries of Europe, which manufactures and supplies a wide range of...
BaXx lifting magnet from Selos Company, Ltd.
- 18.06.2012
- Machinery & Equipment
Magnetic systems from Selos products are of permanent magnets, which are mainly used in...
Products made from recycled plastic from Transform Recycling Company, Inc.
- 13.06.2012
- Plastics recycling
The activities of TRANSFORM Recycling, Inc. is in its entirety environmentally focused, as returns to the circulation of raw material from non-renewable materials. Using products from TRANSFORM RECYCLING, and you can also positively influence the health of our...
Osram light the European Football Championship 2012
- 12.06.2012
- Plastics and Rubber products
Osram install the latest lighting solutions in four stadiums that will become the scene of European Football Championship, from 8 June to 1 July 2012. The absolute bestseller the National Stadium in...
Introduction Listemann AG, a leading European provider of solutions for manufacturers forms
- 07.06.2012
- Plastics Moulds
Listemann AG is one of the leading suppliers in Europe on bonding technologies, especially vacuum spájkovanie.Dlhodobo provides services to manufacturers forms to improve the cooling channel system in a simple way of working...
Moldflow MPI from RESINEX - for your benefit forms and parts
- 06.06.2012
- Services
- Software for industry
Significant cost reduction! Now, if you buy materials from companies RESINEX, you can get additional benefits through one of the best tools for analysis and optimization of plastic parts and injection...
VIENNA-TEC 2012 - Fireworks and innovation of industrial technologies in neighboring Vienna
- 05.06.2012
- Services
Preparations for the largest international industrial trade fair VIENNA-TEC 2012, whose gates are opened 9th October 2012 are in full...
Optimal deployment of transient cooling pads cooling Z9645 / ...
- 04.06.2012
- Plastics Moulds
- Design of molds
New HASCO Z9645 transient cooling insert is a further development of the same element Z9641 / ... Due to its ergonomics is not only versatile, but also r nrýchlu and easy installation with minimal...
- ® celebrates third birthday
- 31.05.2012
- Services
Three years ago, started the first "plastikári" the services of an Internet portal...
After the 19th edition of the International Engineering Fair in Nitra
- 30.05.2012
- Services
This year there were 429 participating exhibitors and co-exhibitors, representing 220 additional firms from many countries, especially Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France but also from overseas...
SLOVNAFT Group in first quarter sales increased slightly, operating profit fell
- 29.05.2012
- Suppliers of raw materials
SLOVNAFT Group in the first quarter of 2012 compared to same period last year, net sales increased 2 percent to 1.11 billion euros. Their support growth above quoted prices of refined products, however, did not show the operating results of the group. Operating profit adjusted for overvalued stocks...
Circular magnetic grids to separate fine particles of ferromagnetic bulk material flow from the company Selos
- 24.05.2012
- Machinery & Equipment
Iron is one of the most widely used materials in the industry. On the other hand, the metal particles are undesirable in finished products, intermediate products or raw materials - particularly in food, chemical, plastics, pharmaceuticals as well as in many other...
Unipetrol raised in the first quarter revenues up by 10%
- 23.05.2012
- Suppliers of raw materials
In Q1 Unipetrol Group results were influenced mainly by ongoing negative trends in macro environment, by lower combined petchem margins and lower gasoline and diesel sales in retail segment. Company posted an operational result (EBIT) of CZK -51m, with revenues of CZK 25.449bn (+10% y/y) in...
iMachining - technological leap forward in productive milling
- 22.05.2012
- Services
iMachining ™ is a quantum leap forward in technology CAM. With this technology, there is a huge savings in time and working to reduce the wear of tools and machinery. iMachining ™ achieves these results by optimizing the angle of wrap and cutting speed in the entire tool path. This allows far...
Mapping the life cycle of packaging that have become waste
- 21.05.2012
- Plastics recycling
Sorting and recycling are generally considered business-friendly environment and one of the main roads to sustainable development. ENVI-PAK as the first and only one in Slovakia also quantified the effects of collection and recycling of packaging waste from citizens in Slovak towns and villages on...
Awarded engineering technology at industrial fairs in Prague
- 17.05.2012
- Services
From 13 to 16 March was held in Prague premiere industrial fairs FOR INDUSTRY, FOR LOGISTIC, FOR ELECTRON, for Energy and FOR AUTOMATION focused on engineering, logistics, electronics, power and automation in the presence of 326 exhibitors from 10...
Veľrh Engineering in Nitra 2012 - a stable foundation for a successful communication professionals
- 15.05.2012
- Services
Nitra International Engineering Fair, which will be held at the exhibition from 22 Agrokomplex to 25 5th 2012 is the most important, not only in Slovakia but also in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Passed Internationality, established the Union of international trade fairs worldwide...
Schoeller Arca Systems - Packaging shall be in accordance with the system and vice versa
- 10.05.2012
- Plastics packaging
Globalization has caused the market today that certain exceptions are fighting in every sector to competition, which we did not realize. The fight is hard and each firm can choose your...
Vstřikovací formy z Číny - přednáška Ing. Lubomíra Zemana z Plast Form Service I.M. spol. s r.o. - část 2.
- 09.05.2012
- Plastics Moulds
Uplynulý týden jsem v první časti popsal některé skutečnosti a problémy, které se mohou vyskytnout při zajišťování výroby vstřikovacích forem pro zpracování termoplastů v Číně. Teď se pokusím k danému tématu - Vstřikovací formy z Číny - přidat několik dalších...
Vek plastov v automobilizme sa vďaka BASF približuje
- 08.05.2012
- Suppliers of raw materials
Automobilizmus sa od svojich počiatkov vyvinul tak, že dnešné auto už nie je možné porovnať s jeho predchodcami. V súčasnosti sme svedkami kvalitatívnej zmeny ohromného dosahu: s postupným rozvojom plastov môžeme v budúcnosti dúfať v to, že z kovu ostane iba základná konštrukcia...
Study summary internship graduates in seven plastics companies
- 07.05.2012
- Services
During the last year of graduation of students of the manufacturing sector Polytechnic Secondary School Zlin-COP, specialization in plastics technology, performs graduates in their hours of internship experience in selected plastics and rubber companies, almost all over Moravia. The concentration...
Vstřikovací formy z Číny - přednáška Ing. Lubomíra Zemana z Plast Form Service I.M. spol. s r.o. - část 1.
- 02.05.2012
- Plastics Moulds
V současné době se, nejen v oblasti zpracování plastů, setkáváme jako spotřebitelé i jako výrobci s požadavkem na co nejnižší cenu. Tuto tendenci lze nazvat „bojem o nejnižší cenu za každou cenu“ a to nejen při soukromých, ale i firemních...
NATUR-PACK, a.s. podporil OLOMPIÁDU 2012
- 01.05.2012
- Plastics recycling
Žiaci Základnej školy na Ostredkovej ulici v bratislavskom Ružinove, slávnostne odštartovali nultý ročník Olompiády, zábavno-športovej súťažnej hry bratislavských škôl v separovanom zbere komunálneho...
Šetřit je hezké, ale vydělávat je hezčí - konference SVOBODA 2012
- 30.04.2012
- Plastics Moulds
15. března 2012 proběhnul třetí ročník odborné konference SVOBODA 2012. Tento ročník byl obsazenější než předchozí a nahlásily se přednášející z různých oblastí výroby forem. Nosné téma konference byly reálné a fiktivní úspory, jejich identifikace a vyvrácení různých tradovaných mýtů o místech, kde...
Představení společnosti RONAS - precizní nástrojárny a lisovny plastů
RONAS (Ro-žnovská nás-trojárna) vznikl v roce 1992 odloučením z koncernu Tesla. Dynamický rozvoj, který následoval, se stal trvalým rysem této firmy. Změny trhu vedly ke změnám zaměření podniku, který v dnešní době vyrábí především formy na zpracování...
Autosalón Bratislava 2012, záverečná správa a fotoreportáž
- 24.04.2012
- Services
Bratislavský Autosalón v nedeľu uzavrel svoj 22. ročník. Počas šiestich dní sa predstavilo 148 vystavovateľov z Českej republiky, Rakúska, Turecka a Slovenska, ktorí obsadili plochu 40 000 m². Výstava ponúkla rekordných 74 premiér od 42 automobilových značiek. Po druhýkrát sa súbežne so...
New polycarbonate AKYVER ® SUN TYPE 16mm AKYVER ® PANEL 40MM, 8W from TITAN - Tatraplast Ltd.
- 23.04.2012
- Plastics and Rubber products
Hollow polycarbonate sheets AKYVER ® have excellent thermal insulation properties, low weight, high impact resistance and...
Latest Classifieds
For Sale: Knife mill MN300/400
20.01.2025 | ID: 202520332
Top Advert-
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520340
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520339
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520338
To purchase: ABS regrind white injection
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520336
For Sale: PA 66 unfilled regrind
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520335
For Sale: ABS injection regrind
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520334
To purchase: ABS regrind white injection
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520336
20.01.2025 | ID: 202520329
To purchase: Plastic scrap from production
20.01.2025 | ID: 202520328
To purchase: PA 6/66 GF 30 regrind
20.01.2025 | ID: 202520321
To purchase: GPPS granules preferably with an MFI of 10
14.01.2025 | ID: 202520302
To purchase: PE-PP dirty granulates from ground
14.01.2025 | ID: 202520301
To purchase: LDPE film in bales
14.01.2025 | ID: 202520297
For Sale: Knife mill MN300/400
20.01.2025 | ID: 202520332
Top Advert-
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520340
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520339
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520338
For Sale: PA 66 unfilled regrind
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520335
For Sale: ABS injection regrind
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520334
For Sale: PA 66 white unfilled regrind
20.01.2025 | ID: 202520331
Upcoming Events
04.02.2025 - 06.02.2025 | Anaheim
04.02.2025 - 06.02.2025 | Varšava
11.02.2025 - 13.02.2025 | Monterrey
International Plastic Industry IPF 2025
12.02.2025 - 15.05.2025 | Dhaka
12.02.2025 - 13.02.2025 | Birmingham
18.02.2025 - 19.02.2025 | Nuremberg
19.02.2025 - 20.02.2025 | Amsterdam
23.02.2025 - 25.02.2025 | Shanghai
24.02.2025 - 26.02.2025 | Alžír
SOPK invites you to the Seminar Annual Settlement for 2024 + Legislative changes for 2025
SOPK invites you to the Conference Expected development of the Slovak economy in 2025
Say Goodbye to Stress Mark with advanced cooling
ING 4.0 training programme for digital skills development: Logistics systems and automated logistics
Job offers
Production operator - DALGA GROUP s.r.o.
Operations Manager - DALGA GROUP s.r.o.
Sales representative for granulates - ALBIS PLASTIC CR s.r.o.
Sales representative for recycling - SILON CZ Recycling s.r.o.
Obchodný manažér - FORM s.r.o.
Sales representative for granulates, for ALBIS PLASTIC CR s.r.o.
Assistant - DALGA GROUP s.r.o.
Warehouse worker - forklift experience required. ENVI-RECYCLING PLAST, s. r. o.
Business - technical representative of professional tools - the whole SR - ant s.r.o.