Weekly commodity price report

Here are the market prices of various types of commodity plastics PE-LD, PE-HD, PP and PS in Central and Eastern Europe with a delay of 5 weeks. The data was processed by our partner myCEPPI.
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Prices for this week 33/2017

The following factors influenced “commodity” polymer prices and price expectations last week:

  • Europe on leave,
  • BRENT oil price 51.90 USD/barrel, increasing prices,
  • Euro getting stronger, EUR/USD exchange rate over 1.18 getting stronger
  • weak ethylene and propylene supply, increasing monomer spot prices,
  • short EPS supply,

In detail

The first half of August is traditionally marked by the lowest demand every year. The same happened this year as well. Last week polymer producers and traders reported a demand a little higher than what we are used to in August.  The reason for the higher demand is that the market is expecting a lower price increase by September and for the autumn season. In spite of this there is not a too significant volume of pre-purchases in the southern and central regions of Central-Europe.  However Polish plastic converters are sceptic and do not buy in advance. The reason is that there is abundant polymer supply and no grade is in short supply.

The monomer shortage resulting from the protracted maintenance activities pushes spot polymer prices up in Western Europe. But with the exception of LDPE, LLDPE and EPS there was no general price increase in our region, in spite of the fact that major producers have tried minor price increases (by 5-15 €).

Last week the market was on leave and will be also this week. This marks the demand as well. Increasing demand can be anticipated in the second half of the month only, after August 20.

The price drop of SM by 30 € determined the price tendency of GPPS and HIPS.  The EUR getting stronger exercises a major impact and broadens the price range, stimulates import and extends the latitude of importers. In case of EPS there was a minor panic at the end of the last week due to the short supply, but buyers were served. Many have re-scheduled their purchases to September, though. This was not difficult as many EPS insulation material buyers were surprised by the price movement opposed to that of SM, in this way they often postponed their purchase orders in the hope prices would drop.


Polyolefin grades

LDPE price increase was accepted on the market. Regional and European producers offer their products in a price range of 1,190-1,250 €.  There is a low volume of pre-purchases, supply is limited. After the 20th of August a minor price increase is to be expected due to the expectedly increased demand.

HDPE started August with roll over and remained. Only the Serbian producer increased prices slightly, adjusting his prices to the price level of the market. Central European prices are still maintained within a range of 1,020-1,100 €.   Prices are also now in Poland the lowest, here imported HDPE is available at prices starting from 1,010 €.  In the meantime prices in the central and southern region start from 1,050 €.

HDPE pipe market is still on holiday. Market players wait for the real season start. Though from the construction season there are only 3 months left. It is possible that the season this year will start next year only. The typical price range is 1,230-1,290 €.

After the 20th of August also the HDPE demand will increase, but will remain low compared to other PE grades.

LLDPE C4 is easy to get within a price range of 1,160-1,200 €.  But supply at cheaper prices in big lots is still a problem. Because of the increase of the Asian demand and prices, suppliers from the Middle-East send their shipments rather to the Far-East.  In this way the status of the “relative shortage” is expected to prevail.

mLLDPE demand is stable, supply is broad, the price range is stable and in a range of   1,190-1,230 € in August. 

PPH demand is good, there is no shortage. The typical price range is 1,020-1,120 € in the southern and central region, while in Poland PPH is available at prices starting from 980 EUR.  There is a minor volume of pre-purchases, but they are not typical.

PPC demand is lower than expected. In spite of the fact that there are bottlenecks in Europe due to the insufficient monomer supply. The prices of European products are still within a range of 1,130-1,250 €, depending on the grade and on the size of buyers. Here the initial intentions to increase price bounced back from buyers, in this way in many cases, in Poland in particular there was price drop.   The missing demand is supported also by the fact that PPC import from the Middle-East is now available at a price of 1,050 € but the demand is also in this case low. 

PPR supply is stable, prices followed the monomer prices and remained unchanged.  The typical price range is 1,180-1,240 €.  In the second half of the month no price increase is expected.


The prices of the last week are presented in the table below (full truck load 20-22.5 t):


Grade name

Typical polymer price ranges in the first week of Aug , 2017, Central Europe (€/ton)







HDPE Pipe (100)












PPH Raffia











Polystyrene grades

The short EPS supply that started last week continues.  Prices increased by + 10-30 € compared to the end of July.  But the situation of converters was much relieved by the fact that their buyers order for the time being less EPS insulation sheets at the increased prices, hoping prices will drop following monomer prices. The SM and PS price trend is uncertain at the present, and this uncertainty will continue through August as well.  At any rate insulation material buyers cannot wait long, they have to buy at the end of the month at latest. The typical price range is 1,340-1,400 €.  After the 20th of August increasing demand and increasing spot prices can be anticipated.

The prices of GPPS produced in Europe followed SM and dropped by 20-30 €.  As the demand is very summerlike and therefore it is very hard to sell also at this price. Buyers anticipate further price drop.  The market situation is worsened by the fact that there is an increasing volume of import from the Middle-East and from Russia alike. Therefore the GPPS price range is extremely broad. The typical price range of GPPS produced in the EU is: 1,250-1.370, for import 1,200-1,250.

The short HIPS supply is counterbalanced by the low demand caused by the summer season.  Roll-over could not be achieved, products made in Europe are characterized by a price drop of -10-30 €.  Import supply is good, HIPS from Iran was available in the southern region within a price range of 1,240-1,280 €.  The price range typical for European products was 1,370-1,500 €.

HDPE blow molding1076 € / t
HDPE film1102 € / t
HDPE injection molding1077 € / t
HDPE pipe (100)1282 € / t
LDPE film1186 € / t
LDPE general purpose1189 € / t
PP co-polymer injection molding1176 € / t
PP homo-polymer fiber1060 € / t
PP homo-polymer injection molding1071 € / t
PPR1221 € / t
GPPS1273 € / t
HIPS1383 € / t
EPS1358 € / t

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(László Büdy, Managing director, head of consulting)


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