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  • Advanced plastic processing through irradiation: Technical brochure about radiation crosslinking of plastics

Advanced plastic processing through irradiation: Technical brochure about radiation crosslinking of plastics

Radiation crosslinking is an established process using high-energy electron beams and gamma rays to optimise the spectrum of properties of the most different materials, particularly plastics.

There is a wide range of potential applications for radiation crosslinked plastic components, cables and parts: in automotive engineering and e-mobilityelectronics technology and electronicsmechanical engineering as well as in the infrastructure sector and technical building equipment.

Request our technical brochure free of charge now and learn,

  • how the technology and the process of radiation crosslinking work,
  • which plastics are particularly suitable for radiation crosslinking,
  • the advantages of improved properties at a glance,
  • in which industries crosslinked plastic components are already used and where enormous potential exists,
  • how the irradiation service can be integrated into your logistics chain.
BGS - Technical brochure about radiation crosslinking of plastics
  • autor:
  • BGS Beta-Gamma-Service GmbH & Co. KG.

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